Whitespace: A Negative Element That Can Boost Your Website’s User Experience

man holding paper with website traffic written

Every company nowadays has a website and thus making yours stand out above the rest is no easy feat. One of the best ways to be among the leading sites in search engines is by boosting your website’s user experience. When they find it easy to navigate your site,  users are likely to stay on your website, know more information about your business, and buy a product or get a service from you.

One of the elements an expert in website design services based in Mountain Home, AR recommends to improve your website’s experience is to use whitespace. It is at times called negative space and refers to the area between different elements on a web page. Here are some ways negative space can boost your website’s user experience:

Emphasizing Particular Elements

Website designers often give priority to specific content and interactive features on a web page. There are different techniques for drawing your visitors’ attention to a primary element, but the most effective remains surrounding the element with negative space. The lack of elements around an area naturally makes it stand out. If you choose to emphasize your CTA button with whitespace, for instance, the user is naturally drawn to it and has a high chance of clicking it and spending more time on your page.

Clarifying the Relationship between Objects

woman designing a website on paperAccording to cognitive psychology, the human brain is wired to create a connection between different objects primarily based on their distance apart. You can use this principle for the forms to be filled on your website. When people see a long form containing too many questions, they will naturally skip it. You can use whitespace to group related information. This shortens the form and improves its comprehension thus increasing its chances of being filled.

Improving Readability

Your content is the primary reason people visit your page. Other than its font and color, your page’s whitespace can enhance your content’s readability. Leaving adequate whitespace between the lines and paragraphs of your articles can significantly boost their readability since they won’t look too cramped and extensive. The proper use of whitespace between lines and paragraphs has been proven to improve readability by approximately 20 percent.

Creating an Elegant Look

Though whitespace is mostly utilized to boost the usability of a website, it can also prove helpful for aesthetic purposes. Most website layouts with a large amount of whitespace display an elegant look. Websites offering luxury products, for instance, usually have considerable whitespace to put their products in the limelight.

Web design undergoes different shifts periodically to suit the trends and needs of online customers. The above strategies should hence be reviewed regularly to ensure they impact your website’s traffic and conversion rates. Companies that design and revamp their websites only when starting them, and re-branding or launching products soon find themselves lagging behind their competitors. To avoid this, make sure you have professional re-designing for your website at least annually.

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