Five Key Areas in Business You Should Consider in the Pandemic—and Beyond

The world of business has come a long way in recent years. With the advent of modernization and the advancement of technology, we’ve gone far in how we do business today. The COVID-19 pandemic has even drastically changed and shaped the business landscape, where both consumers and companies have had to adapt.

That said, companies and organizations must keep up with technological innovations, changing consumer behaviors, and evolving business landscape. There are key areas they must be aware of and focus on. By doing so, their business will thrive and flourish amid this pandemic and in the long run.

If you’re wondering what key areas to consider during this pandemic and after that, here are some:

Energy Efficiency

When it comes to running and operating a business, energy efficiency is the name of the game. It’s best to come up with business initiatives leaned towards fostering energy efficiency in the workplace. Not only does this help regulate your energy consumption and save up on your monthly utility bills, but it also helps save the environment.

There are many ways to promote energy efficiency in your big business or small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). One way to do so is to invest in energy-efficient equipment and systems in the workplace. Also, adopting the work-from-home (WFH) policy the way businesses do in a pandemic is another good example. Lastly, you can implement data-center power monitoring as an effective energy management solution for your business.

Digitalization and Technology

It’s inevitable for companies and organizations to utilize technology in this day and age. They need tools and equipment to make their operations more efficient, more accurate, and more productive. Also, the pandemic has led most businesses to go digital due to stay-at-home orders and restricted movements.

That said, you must continue to invest in tools and technology that will aid your workforce and help your business. The latest technological trends include automation, robotics, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). Also, it’s best to employ digital marketing strategies to promote your business and sell your products or services during this pandemic. These strategies include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, content marketing, and social media management.



Cybersecurity has become a vital concern in the world of business in recent years. In fact, cyberattacks have become a growing issue during the pandemic. As both consumers and companies have gone digital, cybercriminals have become on the loose. Think of cyberattacks such as phishing, malware, denial-of-service (Dos) attacks, and SQL injection. Cybercriminals are looking to commit identity theft, online scams, and other fraudulent activities.

It’s paramount for your business to set robust cybersecurity measures in place. These include email protection, password protection, updated devices, a secured server, and a solid IT support team. If not, it’s best to hire an IT security team to oversee your business while it is running online and your employees are working from home.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We now live in a time when businesses do not only exist for earning profits. They now have the responsibility to take care of their communities and the world in general. This call for corporate social responsibility has become all the more apparent during the pandemic.

Now is the best opportunity for companies to lean towards authentic and genuine customer service while consumers suffer from social and environmental challenges globally. You don’t necessarily have to go out of your way to provide donations to affected individuals. Just being sensitive to the needs and empathetic to your customers can make all the difference in your business.


In recent years, there has been a strong push for sustainability. The Harvard Business School defines sustainability as “doing business without negatively impacting the environment.” It’s no secret how businesses from various industries have long been causing environmental degradation. Think of the global gas emissions and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, all contributed by companies worldwide.

It’s time for your business to sit down and think of how you can ‘go green’ while running your business. Some ‘green’ initiatives you can implement in your business include using sustainable materials and repurposing or recycling these materials. Other ways are optimizing your supply chain, using renewable energy sources, and partnering with ‘green’ agencies.

The world of business has indeed changed and evolved. As such, big companies and SMEs must focus on key areas such as energy efficiency, digitalization and technology, cybersecurity, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. With all these in mind, you’ll manage to rise above the pandemic and even thrive in the long run.

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