When Technology Takes Roots in Agriculture

farmers harvesting crops

Agriculture is an industry that existed along with man. The need for food drove men to learn how to till the land and care for animals. This industry took giant leaps of progress from its humble beginnings. The image of farmers sweating under the sun is now a picture in the distant past. Technology gave rise to trends and gadgets that revolutionized farming. They also made the farmers’ lives more comfortable. Here are a few of them.

Gadgets and Applications

Agriculture is science at its core. Farmers study how certain factors would come into play for them to have an excellent harvest. In traditional agriculture, this is sometimes a hit-and-miss practice. Technology helped to make the process more accurate.

Through some gadgets, farmers now can gather a ton of information about their farms. For example, there are automatic milking systems that are controlled by mobile computers. Many farmers now use mobile technologies, apps, and software to monitor different aspects of their farm operations.

Together with comprehensive mobile applications, these gadgets perform complex agricultural tasks. These include measuring the area of land and searching for zones with good soil samples. It is also easier to spot pest troubles and other problems. Processes such as variable rate application also ensure greater crop yield.

That said, these gadgets must always be in tiptop shape. When something goes wrong, get professional help immediately. If your Trimble mobile computer needs repair or spare parts, for example, call a reliable service provider as soon as possible to avoid worse consequences.


Farmers used to visit acres of land to get an idea of their crops’ condition. They also spend a great deal of time watering the crops and applying fertilizer to them. Drone technology provides great help in these areas.

Small drones can hover over the fields to collect data about the crops. With these machines, farmers could know pertinent data about their crops. They could also know of the plants’ health condition. Drones can detect which plants need more moisture and more fertilizer. This technology helps the farmer save on irrigation and fertilizer. Drones also help save time because they can gather information in a snap. Farmer’s do not have to do the old ways of going on foot on their field.

potatoes on a conveyor belt


One aspect of agriculture is the care of livestock. The breeding and maintenance of livestock involve repetitive tasks. Examples are feeding, cleaning, and gathering produce. These chores could take a toll on a dairy farmer as it needs a 24/7 approach. Thanks to robotics, technology gives a hand to dairy farmers everywhere.

Robots can perform tasks like autonomous feeding and milking. Some do egg collection and sorting, or animal cleaning. Farmers can take the day off yet still check the condition of their livestock. Applying robotics is an excellent way to reduce the weight of the tasks.

Animals also benefit from having robots cater to their needs. With more efficiency and organization, animals can receive optimal care. Robots also have sensors that can detect changes in behavior or temperature. These shifts could show animals’ disease at its early stage. Thus, farmers could give treatment even on a disease’s onset.

Urban Agriculture

Another innovation in agriculture is the rise of urban agriculture. This trend, as the name implies, brings farming to the urban areas. The main difference lies in the space taken up by the crops. They are also called indoor farming or vertical farms. This kind of farming thrives in smaller spaces.

But, its yield is not inferior to its traditional counterpart. Urban farmers take a great deal of time to study and create an environment that is suitable for a greater yield. There are many advantages to this kind of farming. With a controlled environment, crops do not have to wait for the right season to grow. Also, this set-up needs less water and fewer pesticides. Some consumers prefer the produce from this modern farm because they are fresher. Its harvest has a shorter mileage as compared with those coming from rural farms.

RFID Sensors

RFID sensors can give real-time tracking of harvest from the farm to the store. Doing this has many benefits. This process assures consumers that what they buy is not contaminated. They can trace from where their produce came from.

Farmers can view tracking with RFID sensors as a call for greater responsibility. With tracking in place, they must strive to produce only the best yield. But, tracking can also give them peace of mind. They can track their harvest and see that it is well-handled. They will know that their hard work was not in vain.

Agriculture has come a long way from its roots. Technology and the farmers’ perseverance made it possible for this industry to grow. The changes would not stop here. With the many innovations, one can expect agriculture to find greater yields.

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