Promoting Health and Wellness Using the Latest Technology

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During the COVID-19 crisis, there is a strong focus on promoting health and wellness. It’s more than protecting your family from the threat of the novel coronavirus. It goes beyond seeking health care in case you or your loved one is infected. It’s also about having a healthy lifestyle like eating properly, staying hydrated, working out regularly, and getting enough sleep.

Thanks to modern technology, seeking healthcare and fostering wellness have never been this easier and more convenient. It’s just a matter of taking advantage of the latest tools and technology in the industry. Also, you must have a conscious effort and deliberate decision to improve your overall well-being.

Here are top technological trends in the health and wellness industry:

1. Telehealth

Since there is a COVID-19 threat, going outdoors is dangerous during the pandemic. Older people and those with underlying health conditions find it hard to seek medical care. But thanks to modern tools and technology, they can receive care in the comfort of their homes. Telehealth has been such a buzzword during the pandemic. It allows for digital preventative checkups, virtual medical consultations, and remote patient monitoring (RMP).

2. Health Consumerization

Every individual and family has considered health as a top priority during the pandemic. As such, it has paved the way for health consumerization. People are investing in health and wellness products, whether edible or not, physical or digital. A few examples are vitamins and supplements, stress-monitoring apps, and digital medication trackers. That said, be sure to purchase some in your journey towards health and wellness.

3. Smart Medical Facilities

Clinics, hospitals, and other medical facilities have relied on Smart tools and technology due to the pandemic restrictions. Thanks to automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI), some processes and applications have never been easier, more efficient, and more accurate. One perfect example is automation for medical interoperability, where facilities have a system linked with the patients and other health vendors for medical, insurance, and patient records. Even robotics are used for cleaning and disinfection in a hospital room.

doctor in a video call

4. Remote Personalized Care for Mental Health

Mental health is one problem that has arisen during the pandemic. Due to home isolation and future uncertainty, many individuals and families have suffered from stress, psychological distress, anxiety, and depression. It’s good that mental health institutions now offer remote care using digital technology. And mental health professionals provide personalized care to help individuals during an unprecedented time. If you’re battling anxiety and depression, be sure to get therapy and talk to your shrink using a mobile app.

5. Immune-boosting Alternatives

There’s an emphasis put on boosting the immune system during the pandemic. Even if you get the SARS-COV-2, you have a 97-percent survival rate with a high immune system. Practical ways to boost the immune system include eating food rich in vitamins and minerals, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough rest and sleep. Another way is to stock on vitamins and supplements and take them regularly. However, some of the latest trends in health and wellness look promising. One perfect example is intravenous (IV) nutrition for holistic health.

6. Fitness App and Aesthetic Workout Gear

Getting physically active has now become more critical than ever. Unfortunately, stay-at-home orders and restricted movements have led people to have less physical activity. If you’re struggling to hit the gym or go outdoors for running or jogging, you can work out indoors instead. All you have to do is to set up a gym home. From there, invest in workout equipment, use a fitness app, and purchase aesthetic workout gear. All these will help in upholding your physical fitness at home.

7. Food Delivery Services

The delivery service industry has boomed during the pandemic. This is expected due to the pandemic restrictions like quarantines, stay-at-home orders, and restricted movements. It’s great that digital and technological innovations allow people to order and get meals delivered right at their doorsteps. But to promote health and wellness, it’s best to opt for healthy meals for your special dietary needs. Avoid preservatives and foods prepared by fast-food chains. The ultimate goal is to stay as healthy as possible amid the pandemic.

Promoting health and wellness is paramount during the pandemic. It’s good that major technological trends have helped the health and wellness industry. Thanks to our health sector for doing what they can to rise above the global health crisis. But as a responsible citizen, you have the responsibility to take care of yourself and your family. Take advantage of the latest tools and technology in fostering your family’s health and wellness.

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