How a Non-techie Can Start a Career in the Tech Industry

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When we think of people working in tech, we often visualize a programmer, an engineer, or some other tech wiz. We think of building machines, coding, developing apps, and all sorts of projects that require specialized tech skills.

That’s why if you don’t have these hard, technical skills, you might think that there’s no place for you in the tech industry. This kind of thinking can be harmful because the truth is, tech, like any other industry, is fueled by the insights and talents of people from all sorts of backgrounds and professions.

If you’re looking to enter the tech industry but feel that you don’t have the necessary technical skills, don’t lose hope. Remember, Steve Jobs himself wasn’t a programmer. What he brought to the table was his vision, ambition, and creativity. Like him, you need to do some self-reflection and visualization of what you plan to do in the tech industry.

What’s your vision?

The most powerful thing you can wield right now your vision, which includes your personal insights and your perspective as a consumer. Perhaps something in your life can be solved by a mobile app that doesn’t exist yet. Maybe something close to your heart can be combined with a tech solution. Maybe an age-old concept can be revolutionized through a new way of doing things.

Like many other industries, tech is powered by ideas, and ideas aren’t the specialization of just one group of people. Anyone can come up with the next big idea, and that includes you.

If you want to enter the tech industry, maybe you should have a plan and a vision—a solution for something that would be relevant to other people. It would help if you had more than that, but it’s hard to advance in the industry without it.

Man in an online class

Are you still willing to learn?

If you feel like you should at least know the basics of coding or computer engineering, then it’s not too late to learn now. There are free code camps online that can give you an introduction to the language and concepts. If you have the funds and the time, you could actually enroll in a certificate course at a reputable school or learning platform.

You can’t be a programmer overnight. You can’t learn all the tricks of the trade over the course of one learning program. Like any skill, being a programmer is something that takes a lot of time and effort. But learning a little could be the push that you need.

Not everyone needs to know how to code. It’s a good way to familiarize yourself with the language, the community, and the industry. Still, it’s also important to value your own non-tech skills and continue honing them because that’s ultimately what you bring to the table.

Maybe you’re a digital artist who can design a great website or app. Maybe you have the business acumen that’s needed to impress investors and customers. Tech is more than just code, and everyone is welcome to contribute their gifts.

Who do you need to work with?

Working in tech means working with others. Like any other industry, it’s the product of collaboration, partnerships, and the meetings of minds. Your willingness to work with others is also a way for you to successfully integrate yourself into the industry, even if you don’t have the necessary tech skills. It’s all about knowing who to partner with and how to work with them to make your idea come alive.

Maybe you’ve designed something that requires the manufacture of a prototype. You can reach out to a manufacturer of PCB boards and have them create one based on your plan and design. Maybe you have an idea for an app, but you can’t do the hard coding itself. You can work with a freelance programmer to turn it into a reality.

Perhaps you have a tech-based business idea. You have the marketing skills but none of the developer skills. Partnering with someone looking to use their tech skills would be a great way for you to join forces and work towards a common goal.

Tech is a gateway into the future, so kudos to you for wanting to get into it. The barriers of entry may seem high, but it’s probably no different from other industries. The future, after all, lies at the intersection of different fields, so the important thing is to have a clear vision, a great idea, and the willingness to work with others.

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