Should Your Business Have Its Own Mobile App?

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Data in 2019 shows that there are over 2.2 million apps on the App Store and 2.8 million apps on the Google Play Store. These are numbers that you shouldn’t ignore if you are operating a business. Statistics also showed that more than 80% of Americans have smartphones and use these smartphones to browse through products and services and buy from online stores.

If you don’t think that you need .NET programming to build an app for your online store, then you’re missing the whole point. Marketing your business demands that you build an app for it. If you want your business to survive, then you will need a dedicated app for it. There is no getting around it.

Builds Trust

Consumers trust mobile apps more. They do bank transactions on these apps. They consider these apps far safer than using their browsers to do transactions. And it is true. These apps are far more protected from hacking and phishing scams. There are firewalls in these apps that hackers cannot get through.

Increases Visibility

There is no way you can stay in your consumer’s consciousness every minute of the day. The human mind is more complex than obsessing over a brand all day. But here’s the thing: an average person now spends two hours on their mobile phone every day. This is 120 minutes of scrolling, clicking, and browsing. People are going to inevitably pass through your app (if it is downloaded in their smartphones). Your brand will remain in their consciousness for a split second every day.

Personalizes Engagement

Apps are more personalized. You need to sign up for an account to get into an app. This allows the app to know more about your preferences and buying habits. They will customize their suggestions and recommendations. Through the app, a business can directly engage with its customers. It can also have a more direct impact to the consumers through in-app purchases, marketing campaigns, and rewards.

Improves Brand Recognition

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You want your customers to think about your brand when they hear about a product or service. You want them to check out the offers you have in the app. You want them to be aware of what your brand offers—quality products and services. But this is only possible when your customers enjoy the usefulness of your mobile app. If they think of your app as a virtual hub of information, promotions, and rewards, your brand is in a better position to be recognized.

Rises to the Challenge

The challenge for every business now is to be different from its competitors. If you cannot rise above your competitors, you will just be another company that customers will forget. Building a dedicated mobile app is a big leap. If you’re in the small business industry, this is a big investment that will wow your consumers and competitors.

Whatever reason you may have for wanting to build a mobile app, know that you are on the right track. There is no way this will be detrimental to your brand. Your business stands to gain and reap the rewards of this big leap.

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