Merits of Shadowing Your Competitors on the Internet

Any Australian brand hoping to rule Google in 2019 should be obsessed with its strongest competitors. You should give your own search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign great attention, of course. However, you should also keep an eye on what your closest rivals do and experience on the Internet.

Thanks to simple methods and readily available plug-ins and tools, competition research today is a piece of cake. Before you seek SEO services in Gold Coast, understand the benefits of honing your stalking skills.

For starters, here’s what you can accomplish if you’re immensely aware of your competitors online.

To Steal Best Practices

As you know, SEO is widely common yet deeply mysterious. Google shares a few things about its algorithm now and then, but it never publishes a definitive guide to game its system. With relatively little information to work on, brands need strategy and creativity to outdo one another to rank consistently high in the search engine results.

To minimise the process of trial and error, mimic the tactics that work for your competitors. Every niche is different, which is why no method is guaranteed to generate excellent results in all fields. Shadow other brands and study the successful campaigns they implement. Reverse-engineer their strategies to identify the practices that work wonders for your niche.

Understand how your competitors create content, which keywords they use and what pattern they observe when publishing posts. If your web pages underperform, assess how your competing websites are structured to spot what they may have that yours doesn’t.

When it comes to reputation management, you can also learn a ton from your positively perceived rivals. See how they respond to negative reviews and handle disputes. Since all of your brands serve the same types of people, witness how they turn potentially PR crises into marketing victories.

To Seek Opportunities

Employees planning

Speaking of opportunities, stalking your competitors may reveal their weaknesses. If you can offer what they can’t, grab the chance to get a bigger slice of the market share.

Closely monitoring reviews and news about your competitors can unearth the challenges they’re facing. Be prepared to capitalise on their struggles and put your brand in a position to attract more leads and drive more profits.

To Avoid Similar Mistakes

Social media management and SEO have a steep learning curve, and every brand is bound to commit a costly error at some point. Learn lessons from the mistakes your competitors make. Let them deal with the problems as you gather intelligence you can glean for insights.

But then again, what’s bad practice today could become acceptable tomorrow. You should stay current in Google updates to adapt accordingly.

Competition research is always tricky and challenging, but take advantage of the conveniences in the age of information. You can collect practically any data you wish to know about your competitors these days, and it’s your responsibility to put it to good use. With the help from a seasoned digital marketer, you can properly trace and analyse the footsteps of your fiercest rivals.

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