Be on Guard: 5 Key Measures to Keep Hackers Away from Your Network


Perhaps, it’s how the human brain works. When put under undue stress, it’s bound to crack under pressure. Truth be told, there may not be a greater pressure today in society than the virus. As suffering spread all over America, violence has skyrocketed. As jobs became scarce, frayed nerves and seething tempers result in rising in bloodshed and crime.

In Detroit, a city of over 672,000 for instance, 7 000 illegal guns have been confiscated with over 5,000 arrests in 2020 during the pandemic. That number was down to over 2,000 years ago. A similar pattern has been observed in other cities all over America.

But the number of crimes during the pandemic hasn’t only risen on the streets of America. It’s also rampant online. As the pandemic pounded the Land of the Free, hackers became more brazen and malicious. Cybercrime is up during the pandemic.

Now if you’re thinking hacking is small fry, think again. Cybercriminals took home millions of dollars from companies while the virus raged. The average cost for each data breach is $21,650 while some hacks could bag as much as $650,000. What’s worse is 85% of these hits defrauded humans (e.g., phishing schemes).

Fortunately for you, the good guys can help you win this battle. These are people who have made it a commitment to protect companies from the clutches of hackers and cyberattacks. Below are five essential measures you can take as recommended by these experts.

Be in the Know

Forewarned is definitely forearmed. As cyber threats are evolving, making it a point to learn of the latest methodologies these cybercriminals utilize can go a long way in protecting your network from harm.

To do that, check out a slew of hacking forums online. That should include ethical discussions on how business networks can be hacked from the outside. To start yourself on the right foot, here are the most common ways hacking could sabotage your system. Arming yourself with knowledge can go a long way in figuring out how you should defend your network.

Educate Your Team

Knowledge is power. It’s never been so obvious anywhere else than in hacking. While hackers use technology to get into the system, they also are aware that they could have an easier job if they can manipulate people from the inside. The reason why social engineering has become part and parcel of their arsenal.

To counter such a threat, you need to arm your people with knowledge. It’s best you create a security protocol outlining key measures that have to be observed to protect your business from hackers. The document should include how to create strong passwords, how to lock computers after work etc.

Take note, however, these protocols should be static. As threats are evolving, you should update them regularly.

Know the Doors into Your System


All a hacker need is an entry point to gain access to all your data. Think of it as a burglar wanting to gain access to a property. He tries the backdoor, the windows, and whatever hole in the wall he can have access to. The same holds true for hackers.

It’s wise, therefore, to change the default passwords on your hardware (e.g., routers) and software. Keeping such passwords is like leaving a window open for cybercriminals to get in.

Moreover, have your IT department look into the open ports in your network. Know if these ports are needed. If not, have them closed. It’s also important that you build a sturdy firewall so you have some measure of protection.

Put Up Antivirus and Security Programs

Even with a strong firewall, you need to back things up with reliable antivirus programs along with anti-malware scanners. Deploying them allows your system to detect malicious programs slipped into the system by hackers.

Know that your people could also slip viruses into your network unknowingly. Using infected software or infected storage devices (e.g., USBs) can sabotage your system. Reliable programs can detect such malware allowing measures to be done to eradicate it.

Test Your System

A commendable measure to further strengthen your network is to employ comprehensive network penetration testing. Short for penetration testing, this is an attempt to evaluate how strong an IT network is by exploiting possible vulnerabilities. In short, it’s hacking that’s done by the good guys. By exposing such vulnerabilities, you can work to plug such holes existing in your network.

You can choose your IT department to test your system for you. Or you can also have experts to “troubleshoot” your system.

It’s all about getting ready to do what it takes to protect your system. There’s no such thing as a perfect system. Every network has holes. But by taking the necessary steps, you can limit those holes to the utmost minimum. This way, you discourage the resolve of cybercriminals and let your business thrive in the process.

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