Four Trends in Dropshipping You Should Take Advantage Of

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E-commerce has become a digital powerhouse. It made almost a trillion dollars in sales in 2021, and it’s expected to go beyond a trillion dollars this year. One aspect of e-commerce is dropshipping, and it’s currently leading the way in sales. This business model has allowed entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses with little up-front investment, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

However, as the dropshipping industry continues to grow, so does the level of competition. To stay ahead of the curve, you need to know the latest trends and how to utilize them to your advantage.

Here are five trends in dropshipping that you should take advantage of:

Tracking Shipping

As a dropshipper, it might be normal to ignore the logistics behind the scenes. After all, it’s not your job to ship the products – that’s the supplier’s responsibility. However, tracking shipping is a must if you want to provide an exceptional customer experience.

Customers today expect to be able to track their orders at every step. For example, they want to know when the product ships, when it’s expected to arrive, and if there are any delays. You can set yourself apart from the competition by tracking shipping and providing this information to your customers.

You can start doing this by tracking your shipping. Various platforms offer online shipping data that you can inspect, manage, and store. This data is essential for returns and takebacks. Most importantly, this allows you to give your customers an estimated time of arrival (ETA).

A delivery man practicing contactless delivery

Offer Free Shipping

Free shipping has become a standard in e-commerce, and customers now expect it. Almost 60% of shoppers said they would abandon their cart if they were surprised with extra costs, such as shipping fees at checkout.

As a dropshipper, you must offer free shipping to stay competitive. However, this doesn’t mean you have to eat the shipping cost – there are ways to offset these expenses. For example, you can raise your product prices or get creative with your packaging (e.g., ship in smaller boxes to save on shipping costs). You can also try different shipping options.

Different shipping options can have a significant impact on your business. For example, offering express shipping can attract customers willing to pay for faster delivery. On the other hand, standard shipping might be a better option if you’re selling lower-priced items.

The only way to know which shipping option is best for your business is to test different options and see what works. Try different combinations of shipping methods and delivery times and track the results. This will help you find the perfect shipping solution for your business that isn’t necessarily free shipping.

Use AI and Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are two of the hottest trends in e-commerce today. These technologies are changing how businesses operate and providing new opportunities for dropshippers.

For example, AI can be used to personalize the customer experience. It can recommend products, offer discounts, and provide customer support. Automation, on the other hand, can be used to streamline your business operations. For example, it can automate repetitive tasks, such as order fulfillment and customer service.

Both AI and automation can help you save time and money. They can also help you scale your business without hiring more staff. These technologies are essential for any e-commerce business that wants to stay competitive.

Invest in Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful marketing tool that you should not ignore. In 2021, there will be over 3.8 billion social media users worldwide, which will only increase.

As a dropshipper, you must be active on social media to succeed. Social media can help you reach a larger audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. It can also connect with customers, provide customer service, and collect feedback.

There are many social media platforms that you can use for your business. The most popular ones are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Each platform has its unique features and demographics. Therefore, you need to figure out which platforms are most relevant to your business and invest in them accordingly.

For example, if you sell visually appealing products, you should focus on Instagram and Pinterest. These platforms are great for sharing photos and videos of your products. On the other hand, if selling products require a more detailed explanation, you should focus on Facebook and Twitter. These platforms are better for longer-form content, such as blog posts and articles.

No matter your platform, post engaging content that will resonate with your target audience. Regularly posting high-quality content will help you build a following, generate leads, and ultimately boost sales.

Dropshipping is a competitive business, but there are ways to stay ahead of the competition. Utilize these five trends to give your business the edge needed to succeed this year.

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