
techy wheel chair

5 Effects of Impairement in People’s Lives and How Tech Can Help

15% of the global population has some form of disability, which is expected to double by 2050. People with impairments may suffer from low self-esteem and lack confidence due to insensitive reactions from others. Employment opportunities and social activities are becoming more accessible for people with disabilities, and special programs provide them equal access and

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Tips for Managing Your Christian Business

Build relationships with employees and practice honesty/transparency to foster a culture of integrity. Utilize your business as a platform for good by donating profits, hosting events, and partnering with organizations. Prioritize work-life balance to avoid burnout and seek wise counsel/guidance from Christian business consultants. These tips are an effective way to honor God through your

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Mass Hiring: What to Do Before You Begin

Mass hiring is a recruitment strategy used by companies to fill a large number of positions with suitable candidates quickly. Companies may implement mass hiring due to significant business growth, high turnover, or seasonal demands. Clarifying hiring requirements is an essential step, as well as identifying and engaging with potential candidates. Companies should also work

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Senior woman working from home

Necessary Equipment To Make Work From Home Easier for Employees

Desktops are an excellent option for employees working from home as they allow access to familiar tools and services.  Webcams provide effective communication between remote employees and boost morale in an otherwise isolated environment.  Headsets/headphones with microphone enhance the quality of communication and block out background noises for better concentration.  Printer/scanner combos increase productivity by

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Oil spill on the sea

4 Ways Oil Spills Can Ruin the United States

• Oil spills devastate the environment, wildlife, economy, and human health. • Diagnostic tools help identify mechanical issues with tanker valves to avoid spills. • Oil spill detection sensors detect changes in water temperature or pressure that may indicate a spill. • Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) help inspect pipelines and vessels for damage. • Automatic

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The Benefits of Fostering Your Child’s Talents

• Encouraging children to develop their talents can help build self-esteem and open up future opportunities. • Fostering your child's talents can also help create bonds between you and enhance their creativity and imagination. • To foster a child's talents, encourage exploration, provide proper resources, set aside time for practice, and be supportive. • Developing

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Homeowner enjoying a swimming pool

The Scientific Aspect of the Swimming Pool: What to Remember

Investing in a swimming pool can bring numerous benefits, such as physical and mental health advantages Homeowners must be familiar with regularly monitoring chlorine and pH levels (0.5-1.0 ppm, 7.2-7.8 pH) Proper maintenance practices are essential for safe swimming Understanding the science behind owning a swimming pool will help homeowners get the most out of

The Scientific Aspect of the Swimming Pool: What to Remember Read More »

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