Build Your Startup Outside the Four Walls of Your Office

Man in an online class

Tech startups are becoming quite popular. A small company can make big money by providing custom programs or developing apps for the iPhone or other smartphones. Staffing is not a problem — especially if your operation is ready for telecommuting workers.

Secure Your Servers

Making use of freelancers and online workers requires a bit of security. Firewalls and virus protection are essential, especially since hackers often target vulnerable businesses — and a simple DDOS attack can hold you back a few hours or a few weeks. Developing apps will require updated SQL servers — especially if you have multiple personnel working on a single project. Accessing and modifying a single file or program becomes more complex the more personnel you have working on the project.

Database health checks on your SQL server ensure your precious data won’t get lost or corrupted — but performing daily maintenance and checks can be a tedious task. It is better to rely on the services of specific tech companies that focus on your needs and requirements — particularly ones that can build servers with instance management and automated health checks.

Set a Schedule

Running a business without the usual office staff may seem risky — however, several studies have reported that workers situated in alternative office settings often perform better. Relying on freelancers and telecommuting workers requires a more hands-free approach and an output-based system. Your workers are free to do whatever they want (even leave early) as long as they finish the required tasks. Of course, you’ll still need to maintain a schedule — especially for online staff meetings and the like.

You should also have a clear timetable on specific goals you want to meet. Be as specific as possible and organize tasks into small chunks to make progress easier and more visible. It’s easier to maintain worker morale when they can resolve individual tasks. Assigning larger and more complex tasks can be stifling, and your workers can easily feel down with their lack of measurable progress. Multiple programmers working on a single project also require some sort of schedule to access your servers to prevent mishaps. Ask for daily progress reports and set specific times or days for your team members to access your servers.

Use Coworking Spaces

co-working space

Having your programmers work from home is a viable option — however, most workers need some form of structure to bring out the best in them. Coworking spaces provide the necessary structure without adding the hierarchy and politics that come with the usual office settings. Almost every major tech company uses shared office spaces — some even rent whole wings to ensure some form of cohesion and privacy. House your workers in a coworking space during their first few weeks. — they can use that time to get a feel of your company’s workflow. Working from home on the onset can bestow feelings of complacency, and you want your workers to at least have a semblance of professionalism and a sense of gravitas.

Working as a team and getting to know fellow workers personally also fosters camaraderie and boosts morale. After a few weeks, your workers can then work from home (if they choose to do so) or continue working in the shared office environment. Housing personnel in shared office spaces only costs around $50-$100 a month per person — making it vastly more affordable than renting actual office space. Opt for larger shared office spaces — especially ones that have room for 50 or more desks. These spaces can be a bit more expensive, but they should provide better services and security than less expensive options.

Set Local Divisions if Needed

One weakness of telecommuting is the lack of connection to clients and coworkers. Consider sourcing your staff from specific locations and using a single coworking space to house them all. If you’re working for a specific brand or company, hire workers in their vicinity to feel the local environment. Going local also makes developing and executing targeted projects easier and on point.

Most companies will hire temporary staff to facilitate location-based projects, and using freelancers allows your company to temporary inflate its workforce without extensive requirements and paperwork. If you feel a potential client might require a more personal touch or a face-to-face meeting, consider meeting up in one of the many boardrooms available in coworking spaces across the US.

Tech startups don’t need the usual office staff to run. You can run your company by relying on freelancers and telecommuting staff as long as you have the necessary systems, protections, and programs.

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