Sam Sparks

Meet Sam Sparks, the tech guru and mastermind behind the scenes at Saft Online. With a passion for all things tech, Sam is always on the hunt for the latest gadgets and innovations that will blow your mind. When not tinkering with gadgets, you can find Sam immersed in coding projects or exploring the digital realm. With a knack for breaking down complex concepts into fun and relatable content, Sam is here to share the excitement of technology with fellow enthusiasts. Join Sam on this tech-filled journey and stay updated on the cutting-edge world of gadgets and innovations.

Hot shower

Requirements Homeowners May Not Know yet about Heat Pump Water Heater Installation

Almost every households in Australia have a water heating system in place to cater all their needs. The government noted that 21 percent of the overall household consumption goes to water heating. Households utilise hot water every day in showering, washing clothes and dishes, and many more. The government has since implemented policies for households

Requirements Homeowners May Not Know yet about Heat Pump Water Heater Installation Read More »

GPS navigation app

What is the Role of GNSS/INS in the Development of Autonomous Vehicles?

Though autonomous vehicles still have a long way to go before they become freely available to the public, advances in navigational technology will help push the technology to maturity in the future. Currently, autonomous vehicles, such as driverless cars and unmanned drones rely primarily on a combination of global positioning systems (GPS) and various sensors

What is the Role of GNSS/INS in the Development of Autonomous Vehicles? Read More »

A turned-on emergency light

What Do You Do In Case of a Data Centre Power Failure?

The companies of today, private and public sector entities alike, rely heavily on the functions of a data centre. It streamlines IT operations and houses critical information about the organisation. Making sure that it runs without interruption is crucial. When a power outage occurs, temperatures can rise rapidly and affect your data centre. Masterflow Solutions

What Do You Do In Case of a Data Centre Power Failure? Read More »

Police officer using a radar gun

PA Approves Proposal for Radar Guns, Honolulu Uses New Device

A proposal that would allow local police in Pennsylvania to use a speed radar gun gained approval from the state Senate, while the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) plans to crack down on speeding by using a new Stalker radar device. Pennsylvania Police Since 1962, Pennsylvania only allows state troopers to use radar tools to monitor

PA Approves Proposal for Radar Guns, Honolulu Uses New Device Read More »

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